Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Police Log Nov 19-24 2009


November 19-24 2009

November 20: K-State Police Responded to a hit and run non injury accident in a parking lot. Jacob J Berry reported that his vehicle was struck in the passenger side door.


November 21: K-State Police Responded to a hit and run non injury accident in a parking lot. Jennifer Thompson reported that her vehicle was struck while parked her fender was struck.


November 22:  Traffic Stop arrest: Timothy J Potter was issued notice to appear for driving on a suspended driver’s license, expired license tags, and no proof of liability insurance.


November 23: K-state Police responded to an accident in a parking lot. Damaged was a university van the vehicle was parked when it was struck and no injuries were reported.


November 23: Theft reported: Nathan Kaiser reported his play station 3 was stolen from the ROTC cadet lounge loss is reported at $499.00


November 23: Theft reported: Yelica L Rodriguez reported a package was stolen from Cole’s hall. The loss was $64.00





When leaving for the holidays make sure you lock your valuables in offices and homes. Thieves often commit crimes during the holidays when you are away from homes and offices.





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