Saturday, March 29, 2008

Kansas Opens Records Act Request and Response

March 25, 2008

Bruce Shubert
Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance
105 Anderson Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan, Kansas, 66506

Re: Kansas Open Records Act request

Dear Mr. Shubert

I have previously asked Heather Reed for access to the incident report relating to the attack on (A MEMBER OF MY FAMILY: EDITED)in Goodnow Hall on Feb. 18, 2006. More than two years have passed and the university can no longer be sued for negligence/liability in the matter. Even so, Ms. Reed had communicated that the university lawyer was reviewing that report before deciding to pass it on to me. After a reasonable time waiting for a response, I am formally asking access to the incident report through an Open Records request.


Bruce Shubert
Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance

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