Friday, May 7, 2010

Students Should Be Alert for Thefts

Students Should Be Alert for Thefts

The K-State Police department is reminding everyone to be diligent in the securing of valuables during the final weeks of school. In previous years, property crime tends to increase during the last few weeks of the school year. To reduce the chances of being a victim of theft, students should practice the following crime prevention measures.


1.    Do not leave valuables unattended. Laptops, backpacks, and purses are high value targets. When studying in groups, have a group member stay at the table while others take breaks. If studying alone, take your valuables with you. It only takes a few seconds for a thief to pick up unsecured items.

2.    Take only what you need to study. Take only what is necessary to study, if you do not anticipate using your laptop or Ipod then secure it at your room or apartment.

3.    Secure your room, apartment, and offices: When you leave to study or go to class lock your doors. If you have roommates communicate with them about who is locking the doors and windows. Often, a roommate thinks the other is or was going to secure the room or apartment. 

4.    Personal Safety: Students who are walking home late should use the buddy system. Those who must travel alone are reminded of the Wildcat Walk Service on campus. Students who call the Wildcat Walk Program will be escorted to their destination on campus or a short distance off campus. The K-State Police Dispatcher will send a Security officer or Student Security officers to walk you to your destination safely.

5.    Report: If anyone sees thefts occur or see suspicious activity should call the K-State Police. Students can call 911 if it is an emergency or call 532-6412. Anonymous tips can be submitted to our silent witness program at




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