Monday, June 2, 2008

Response - University of Texas

From the University of Texas, in response to my query.

Good Morning Sir

My name is Darrell Halstead, I am a police officer at the University of Texas @ Austin. I am currently assigned to the Crime Prevention Unit at UT.

I would like to address your questions:

1. How can students and parents find out about campus crime statistics at your school? (Please provide Web link)

All students, staff, faculty, and parents can access the Clery stats on line:

2. Where can students and parents find recent daily campus police logs at your school? (Please provide Web link)

The University of Texas Police Department posts a daily crime log called the Campus Watch. This is sent out to subscribers as well as being posted on the UTPD web site.

3. Does your university have a stated policy on illegal alcohol and drug use? If so, what is your policy?

Yes the University of Texas has a police about illegal drug and alcohol use. This policy is posted on the Vice President of Student Affairs website:

4.What the single most important factor in the ability of students to avoid being victimized by personal and property crimes at your school?

The one single most important factor to help students is to help them become aware of what is going on around them. Help in the education process by teaching them what the criminals already know.

5. Do your security officers carry weapons? Does your university have a stated position on concealed carry by students or faculty?

Yes the police officers at UT are armed. State law prohibits concealed weapons on any university.

6. What's the single most significant change to campus/residence hall security policies or procedures in the past five years? Please provide a link or email any helpful powerpoint presentations on student security,if possible.
Currently the Division of Housing and Food and the University of Texas Police Department are working together to re-define policy and procedures within the dormitories. All computer workstations will be standardized. All access points will be controlled 24/7.

If you have any additional questions please contact me at:

Officer Darrell Halstead

2201 Robert Dedman

Austin Texas 78705


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